We have made a lot of progress in getting aspects to our Fakenham Community Shed up & running.
As at 7 January 2023, we have 12 paid members, and it is time to start bringing things together.
We (the committee) are scheduling our first A.G.M. to be held at the Con Club in Fakenmham on Wednesday 1 February 2023.
Members are invited to contribute, and vote on aspects that our Shed should follow.
One of the main points of the A.G.M. is to adopt the proposed constitution.
We have set up a draft constitution. A copy of the draft constitution can be downloaded from: https://fakenhamcommunityshed.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Fakenham-Community-Shed-Constitution-draft.pdf
Membership form
If you are interested in becoming a member, please would you fill in and bring the membership form, so that we have the relevant information we require about you, as a member.
The membership form can be downloaded from: https://fakenhamcommunityshed.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Fakenham-Community-Shed-Membership-Form-V2.pdf
If you have any problems in printing, or filling the form in, please contact us.