Sponsorship Packages

We are a group of people who enjoy getting together to socialise, and hopefully make things as we do.

We like to thank those organisations and individuals that have supported and do continue to support us.

A group like ours depends on external funding to achieve it’s goals of supporting our members well being, happiness and mindset.

In order to achieve this, we ask for help from those that can afford it and all donations and contributions are gratefully received.

In return we like to thank them publicly. Please see our supporters listed on our thank you page.

To make the contribution process somewhat simpler to administer, we have also created some sponsorship packages.

Email campaign footer links

We send emails to our members, interested parties, and other sponsors. In order to manage these emails, we like to use templates.

This is a great place to publicly show the information about some of our supporters.

This would also be a great package, if you would like your logo, and or business details as part of this footer.

Website footer links

Website footer links are shown on every page of our website, and are open to search engines. Not only do these offer the public thanks, but hopefully also offer positive “Search Engine Optimisation” ranking advantages.